Snapdragons - Madame


Madame Double Flowering Snapdragons are an exquisite variety known for their lush, double-layered petals that come in a wide array of vibrant & soft colors. These elegant flowers are particularly favored in cottage gardens and as cut flowers in floral arrangements due to their tall stems and good vase life. Unlike single-flowered snapdragons, the double blooms of the Madame variety add a unique, voluminous petal count that is sure to make anyone question if it's a snapdragon. They thrive best in full sun and well-drained soil, making them relatively easy to cultivate for both novice and experienced gardeners.

Madame is an ‘all season’ snapdragon, meaning that it will send out blooms throughout their growing season, instead of all at once. Great for a garden setting. These snapdragons thrive in cooler temperatures and shorter days to get established. These snapdragons usually send up an initial flush of blooms in late March here in zone 9b/ 10a and will bloom into May.

Starting seeds:

Starting seeds for Snapdragons is relatively easy. I usually sow 1-2 seeds per cell and thin to one per cell after germination. We surface sow the seeds ( spring seeds on top of soil) followed by a light sprinkle of vermiculite after sowing. Place humidity dome ontop of seedlings and place under a grow light.

Germination occurs typically after 7-14 days Check out my seed starting guide for more tips and tricks for indoor seed starting. Start seeds indoors in August-October in warm climates. Start in late winter/ early spring in colder climates.

When to plant outdoors: 

October and November are ideal planting times, but they can be planted up until the end of the year in warm climates. Spring plant in colder zones ( 8 & lower)


6” apart  for cut flowers 9" for garden plants


Full sun 

 Flower Support:

Advised for cut flower production


Snapdragons are heavy feeders. Give High nitrogen fertilizer to encourage growth in young plants. Weekly liquid fertilizing is also advised for optimal blooms. 

Favorite varieties:

Snapdragon Madame ‘Bronze with white’ offers an almost tye-die of salmon and coral colors. Remarkable for any garden or cut flower production. Florist favorite for sure!

Snapdragon Madame ‘bronze cherry’ is a beautiful tone of bronze and cherry that bring such a saturated color to the spring garden. Beautiful pairing with the Madame ‘bronze with white’.

Snapdragon madame ‘red’ offers a bright red color that is great for retail bouquet’s ot any romantic occasion.

Madame ‘white’ is a classic color that is perfect for any wedding work. Almost looks like a stock flower, with the double frilly blooms.

In conclusion, Madame snapdragons offer a beautiful, unique line-flower for the spring line-up, and is a must grow ever season!


Snapdragons Group 3 & 4


10 flowers to plant in September in HOT climates